잡담/제이워크 J-walk releasing a new mini-album this September fourwinds 2013. 7. 25. 04:06 To any foreign fans who happen to come upon my blog :) - Sunshower (J-walk, 2007)Former Sechskies members Kim Jae duck (Kim Jae duc) and Jang Su won are releasing a new mini-album this September. As an event, they are teaming up with UCANFUNDING to raise funds for the album.http://www.incujector.com/project/view.php?num=483There are various rewards for people who participate such as autographed CDs, t-shirts and a chance to talk with J-walk online. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if there is a way you can participate directly from abroad :pIF however, you still want to help them, some fans and I are holding a fund-raising event at this site:http://starryeyes.ivyro.net/supportWe have a paypal account, so even if you don't live in Korea, you can still participate. You won't be able to receive any of the rewards listed above... but you will get to help J-walk release their new mini-album. If you're a fan like me, I think that's a valid reason on its own to support them :DThis is NOT a scam.I just wanted to make sure that there is a way for foreign fans to participate if they wanted to. Please send me a e-mail at fourwinds00#gmail.com (change the # to @) if you are interested. (You can also leave me a message at my guestbook. It's right under the blog title, 'primarosa'.)Even a few dollars would be a big help. Thanks!- Silriver